Born in 1985, Veronica De Angelis is young business and construction
magnate who has made investing in sustainability her personal crusade.
Her career began at a very early age immediately following the passing of her
father: a man from whom she inherited an intrinsic passion for travel, nature,
and beauty. She has a degree in Political Science and a Master's in Real Estate
and Finance.
Now, with 10 years of experience in the field of construction under her belt, she is the CEO of her own company: DE ANGELIS REAL ESTATE, which she took over in 2013. Immediately following Veronica's arrival at the helm, the organization began investing in energy conservation and renewal and underwent an overhaul of the firm's marketing and sales criteria.
Veronica's subsequent foray in to the NYC real estate market was the catalyst for her realization of the fundamental importance of art as an instrument to bring about social and urban renewal. This was the beginning of her path as a proponent of environmental protection and urban requalification through art, starting with her home city of Rome.
Born in 1985, Veronica De Angelis is young business and construction
magnate who has made investing in sustainability her personal crusade.
Her career began at a very early age immediately following the passing of her
father: a man from whom she inherited an intrinsic passion for travel, nature,
and beauty. She has a degree in Political Science and a Master's in Real Estate
and Finance.
Veronica's countless trips around the world are never for the sole purpose
of enjoyment: they are most often combined with her tireless research
for innovation and the intention of incorporating those finds in to
the world of business.
On such trips she has solidified relationships with
fellow professionals in many other nations, the USA first and foremost.
Motivated to broaden her horizons by the recession in Italian real estate, and
with formidable experience in the Italian market on her side, Veronica began
her ventures in NYC real estate, concentrating on reconstruction for urban
rehabilitation and the renovation of various buildings.
Veronica's countless trips around the world are never for the sole purpose
of enjoyment: they are most often combined with her tireless research
for innovation and the intention of incorporating those finds in to
the world of business.
On such trips she has solidified relationships with
fellow professionals in many other nations, the USA first and foremost.
Motivated to broaden her horizons by the recession in Italian real estate, and
with formidable experience in the Italian market on her side, Veronica began
her ventures in NYC real estate, concentrating on reconstruction for urban
rehabilitation and the renovation of various buildings.
Veronica's travels and love for America combined to provide her with ever-more profound discoveries. They were the impetus to begin encouraging her fellow construction professionals to rethink their approaches with updated resources, and to focus on beauty in their projects, reminding them that their creations last lifetimes.
Veronica's travels and love for America combined to provide her with ever-more profound discoveries. They were the impetus to begin encouraging her fellow construction professionals to rethink their approaches with updated resources, and to focus on beauty in their projects, reminding them that their creations last lifetimes.
In 2018 Veronica founded the non-profit Yourban2030 which takes its inspiration from the 17 goals outlined in Agenda 2030. The initiative set out to establish sophisticated links between creativity and technological innovation, and to foster art able raise awareness on topics of sustainability and of the state of the environment. The idea was for art in the interests of the Earth, art able to give a glimpse in to the type of future Man should be aspiring to, art which is both messenger and teacher.
Identifying street art as our times' creative genre most able to communicate an urban message, and therefore an ideal vehicle to draw attention to environmental concerns, Veronica set out to present the world with an invaluable esthetic and environmental experiment.
In 2018 Veronica founded the non-profit Yourban2030 which takes its inspiration from the 17 goals outlined in Agenda 2030. The initiative set out to establish sophisticated links between creativity and technological innovation, and to foster art able raise awareness on topics of sustainability and of the state of the environment. The idea was for art in the interests of the Earth, art able to give a glimpse in to the type of future Man should be aspiring to, art which is both messenger and teacher.
Identifying street art as our times' creative genre most able to communicate an urban message, and therefore an ideal vehicle to draw attention to environmental concerns, Veronica set out to present the world with an invaluable esthetic and environmental experiment.
When you have a dream, often Life
brings the right people to you.
When you have a dream, often Life
brings the right people to you.
5 years ago Veronica made the decision to dedicate herself to making a tangible difference in the field of sustainability, so in 2018 Yourban2030 was born. This project brought together a team of professionals who all shared the same dream of creating a formidable link between the worlds of entrepreneurship and art.
Maura Crudeli (vice president and project manager), Giuseppe Molinari (strategy manager), and Emanuela Conti (project manager and head of fundraisiWng), make up the core group who have supported Veronica's vision in the creation of this dream. A dream which today has become a reality and boasts significant statistics of dissemination and visibility the world over.
Articles between services, tv and radio, newspapers printed and web
People reached
Media impressions
5 years ago Veronica made the decision to dedicate herself to making a tangible difference in the field of sustainability, so in 2018 Yourban2030 was born. This project brought together a team of professionals who all shared the same dream of creating a formidable link between the worlds of entrepreneurship and art.
Maura Crudeli (vice president and project manager), Giuseppe Molinari (strategy manager), and Emanuela Conti (project manager and head of fundraisiWng), make up the core group who have supported Veronica's vision in the creation of this dream. A dream which today has become a reality and boasts significant statistics of dissemination and visibility the world over.
Articles between services, tv and radio, newspapers printed and web
People reached
Media impressions
I believe that investing in the environment in our day and age is a duty. We can no longer feign ignorance, we must be all be aware of what is happening to our planet.
I believe that investing in the environment in our day and age is a duty. We can no longer feign ignorance, we must be all be aware of what is happening to our planet.
Hunting Pollution, found at one of Rome's most traffic-heavy intersections (Via del Porto Fluviale and Via delle Conce), is the largest green mural in all of Europe. This work of art was created using Airlite: a special paint whose compounds are able to absorb and eliminate atmospheric pollution via a chemical reaction. The purifying effect of this mural, which covers almost 10,800 sf, is equivalent to the positive impact on air quality of more than 30 trees. This makes it one of the most significant “regenerative” street art pieces in existence today. The mural, painted by Iena Cruz, depicts a tricolored heron, an endangered species, in the very moment he is catching his prey in a filthy and contaminated sea. It is a symbol of the type of devastating damage that man-made pollution is wreaking on our planet.
Our mural aims not only to inspire reflection on the state of pollution of our seas, but also has the objective of stimulating urban requalification and environmental improvement.
Hunting Pollution, found at one of Rome's most traffic-heavy intersections (Via del Porto Fluviale and Via delle Conce), is the largest green mural in all of Europe. This work of art was created using Airlite: a special paint whose compounds are able to absorb and eliminate atmospheric pollution via a chemical reaction. The purifying effect of this mural, which covers almost 10,800 sf, is equivalent to the positive impact on air quality of more than 30 trees. This makes it one of the most significant “regenerative” street art pieces in existence today. The mural, painted by Iena Cruz, depicts a tricolored heron, an endangered species, in the very moment he is catching his prey in a filthy and contaminated sea. It is a symbol of the type of devastating damage that man-made pollution is wreaking on our planet.
Our mural aims not only to inspire reflection on the state of pollution of our seas, but also has the objective of stimulating urban requalification and environmental improvement.
In addition to Hunting Pollution, Yourban2030 has figured prominently in other artistic endeavors. One of these was the presentation of fashion designer Tiziano Guardini's Fall/Winter 2020 line. For the occasion, an “urban jungle” was created by Turin's street artist Fabio Petani. He used swatches of denim as his canvas and Airlite paint to depict huge suspended leaves and enormous, fantastical trees. The use of Airlite meant that the fashion show's scenery actually purified the surrounding air. The show was designed to be an eco-sustainable microcosm, where every element of the décor also respected the Earth.
Another project was the Sbagliatos' installation as part of the famed “Villa Ada Incontra Il Mondo” event. The Sbagliato Collective aims to expand and “shake up” the urban fabric and city architecture. The result of this collaboration was a piece meant to emphasize the symbiosis between nature and city as seen in various iconic works of architecture, adored by generations of artists. It also made a statement on the effects of climate change by creating an optical illusion which made them appear partially submersed by water.
MAY 2023 - ROME
TEDx Ostiense - Zero
MAY 2023 - ROME
Third National Future Respect Congress 2023
A-Change: Festival of Best Practices
Freeda-Editorial Interview
International High Level Conference
The 29th Economic Forum
Tedx Vicenza
5th European Congress for Local Public Services
4th Edition Innova Event
MAY 2019 – ROME
The A.I.D.I.A. Convention entitled “Urban Transformations: Re-beautification, Regeneration, and the Search for Identity”
Jump 2019 – The History of the Future, organized by the Italian Red Cross
... E' in questo contesto che si muove Veronica De Angelis con la sua no profit Yourban 2030: un progetto ambizioso, che fin dal 2018 è riuscito a portare a Roma, Amsterdam e New York sostenibilità e bellezza e che si impegna, con il linguaggio universale dell'arte, a dare visibilità ai 17 obiettivi dell'Agenda ONU per il 2030. ...
... Veronica De Angelis, che oggi vive in America, ha grandi ed ambiziosi progetti nel cassetto: proprio a Manhattan, nel distretto 3, dal West Willage all'Upper West, l'idea è quella di realizzare 17 murales, uno per ogni obiettivo dell'Agenda Onu ...
La Repubblica Finanza
L’inventrice dei murales Antismog ... lo ha disegnato l’artista Iena Cruz ma l’idea è della romana Veronica De Angelis. Lei, 36 anni, imprenditrice green e fondatrice della no profit Yourban2030, nel 2018 ha deciso di affiancare il concetto di riqualificazione urbana a quello di arte e creatività per creare benessere collettivo. Sono nati così ....
Donna Moderna
“Murals by Iena Cruz, the Italian street artist, formed of a type of paint that absorbs and reduces air pollution agents, adorn a building in Rome Murals by Iena Cruz, the Italian street artist, formed of a type of paint that absorbs and reduces air pollution agents, adorn a building in Rome.”
The New York Times
“Na panelu dyskusyjnym poświęconym rewitalizacji bardzo oryginalnym projektem pochwaliła się Veronica De Angelis, prezes Yourban2030. To włoska organizacja pozarządowa, która zajmuje się wspieraniem i promowaniem idei zrównoważonego rozwoju za pomocą przeróżnych, czasem mocno niestandardowych, działań artystycznych.
Yourban2030 wspiera między innymi działania rewitalizacyjne w miastach i jeden z jej ostatnich projektów doskonale się w to wpisuje.”
Forbes - Polonia
“Un airone alto cinque piani che caccia la sua preda in un mare gravemente inquinato, ma che a sua volta “caccia” via l’inquinamento dell’aria da uno degli incroci più trafficati della Capitale. È Hunting Pollution, il più grande murales green d’Europa, inaugurato nel quartiere Ostiense di Roma.
La pittura con cui è stato realizzato è molto speciale: dodici metri quadrati possono assorbire le sostanze nocive prodotte da un’auto in un giorno. L’intero murales ... depurerà l’aria della città, è stato calcolato, quanto un bosco di trenta alberi.”
“Así lo ha hecho Veronica De Angelis contratando a un artista para que realizara sobre la fachada exterior del edificio propiedad de su familia un grafiti dedicado al medio ambiente. Y ojo, no estamos hablando de una pintura cualquiera, sino del mural ecofriendly más grande de Europa.
Una obra de 1.000 m2 firmada por el artista milanés Federico Massa, que firma sus creaciones como Iena Cruz. La idea de Veronica no nace por casualidad. Todo lo contrario. Desde siempre le hacía ilusión regalar algo a su ciudad.”
El Mundo
“Il progetto è interamente sostenuto da Yourban2030, no-profit impegnata in un percorso di sensibilizzazione sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale, con l’utilizzo di moderne espressioni artistiche.
Veronica De Angelis, mecenate dell’opera e madre di Yourban2030: “Ho visto questo muro come un’opportunità per poter contribuire al quartiere e condividere qualcosa con il mio quartiere.”
Il Sole 24 ORE
My wish is to leave this world with the dream that anything is possible, that if we come together, if we work towards where our hearts lead us, then anything at all can be achieved.
My wish is to leave this world with the dream that anything is possible, that if we come together, if we work towards where our hearts lead us, then anything at all can be achieved.